Tuesday, March 3, 2009

A little less talk and a lot more.....pictures!

Z loves to eat olives...I caught him after dinner one night eating right out of the can!

I promised you this picture a few weeks ago...this was my $100 grocery trip, using no coupons. Want to stick to a grocery budget? Easiest solution is to BRING ONLY CASH. If you don't have the $$, you can't buy it! Imagine that...

My 3 favorite people in the whole world. Looking good.... Little lady is starting to look like her daddy, I think!

I love this smile. Kenna is so strong! She will be 6 months next week; I can't believe it!! Last week, she started rolling over all the time. She had rolled over once on Christmas Eve, then nothing a week ago at the dr's office--she rolled over 3 times on the examining table! I'm gonna have to watch her all the time now...

Fuzzy head.

I love these cheeks. They're so kissable!! She loves to be kissed there, too--it just gets her laughing so hard!

Watching big brother do crazy stuff...

I went to Chicago & didn't take one picture of anything (I am so ashamed...). We had a fabulous time, just me & Kenna--we stayed with Celina & her fam. Celina's daughter Brenna is 2 months younger than Kenna, but they were about the same size! Kenna's just a little peanut...when I swipe some pics from C's camera, I'll post them here. We got some cute ones.
Z survived me being away for 4 days...he actually did worse once I got home. He wouldn't let me out of his sight EVER. Bedtime was a challenge, among other things. It was like the transition when I went from working full time to staying home full time. Just a little difficult!! But after a week, it's been much better. And I was still thankful to have had the time away!
Our life is so full and rich with love and laughter. We might not have a lot; we might have to cut a lot of corners in the budget; we might not have a lot of time to spend together. But I feel like the wealthiest woman in the world!!


Janet said...

great pics! wow - my groceries are less than 1/2 of that if i only spend $100. and that's also without coupons because they don't exsist here :-)

i jsut had to comment because i know you love my comments...

Anonymous said...

that's my boy!! Cousin Amy loves her black olives & will eat them right out of the can too (his can is much smaller though!)!!! I've caught Riley (4) doing the exact same thing, with them stuck on her fingers! I'll have to teach Z that trick when I see him again....