Wednesday, September 23, 2009

He answers.

I want to take some time to share what God is doing for our family and in our lives, but I really want to do this post justice, and I'm not sure I have the necessary time at the moment. My brain is spinning (in a good way), and I am trying to process all the amazing ways that God has answered our prayers.

For those who have been (and are still) praying for God's deliverance and blessing: Don't stop praying. Don't stop hoping. He listens. He waits for the perfect time. He changes you through the process. He answers.

But be careful, because His answer may not be what you expected.

It may be better.

Much love from our family, and more details to come!


momofcyclones said...

ok, totally wanting to know what it is! ACK!!!!! I have my guesses...but I will be checking back early tomorrow! I hope that you have a wonderful night!

Janet said...

can't wait to hear ALL the details...your life is never still even for a moment!