Sunday, December 14, 2008

All He wants for Christmas

All He wants for us. Our hearts, pure and unashamed. Consider this post:

"As I have thought about what present I want to give Jesus this year for His birthday, I have thought that perhaps He would be pleased with love from my heart. But not just love for Him, but generous, spilling over, lavish love shown to all precious people he has brought into my life. I have resolved to love those who don't especially love me. I want to send special notes of love to those I appreciate. I want to cover any tension in my family this Christmas with love and grace--for the sake of my great appreciation for His unconditional love......

"But love, unconditional love, that says, "No matter what, I am committed to you. I will love you. I will be loyal to you. I will accept you and I will be generous to you, not because you deserve it, but because I didn't deserve it and Jesus still loved me. I will love you for His sake. I will love you because His spirit fills me and when I am obedient to Him, I must love."
So, this Christmas, let us please Him. Let us forgive those who have wronged us. Let us put aside bitterness and malice and choose love. Let us cover over the flaws of those in our lives with His love, because it is the best gift we have to offer him." Read the rest here....

I have been living some hard, deep things right now. Pondering them in my heart as Mary did. They are for me to know and for you probably never to find out. But they are making the real me richer and better off for having experienced them....

1 comment:

mandy_moo said...

the video on my blog takes place right here in Portland, OR. I grew up in Utah and that's where most of my family lives, so they find it really strange, silly, and outrageous that everything is shut down for 3 inches of snow, but that movie shows why. we get snow maybe once a year, so monetarily it isn't worth it to have plows. So we just deal with it (by not dealing, LOL).