Friday, October 31, 2008
Last post for now
I didn't feel this way with Zachary, & I know that this is more than just the typical "moving from 1 kid to 2" stuff, either. I feel very out of control emotionally most of the time. Thankfully I have some great friends & prayer support right now. My sweet hubby is helping when he can.
I spoke in a little more detail about what I've been going through at my moms group this Tuesday. Things had been going really well for about a week at that point. Wouldn't you know, as soon as I spoke out in obedience to what the Lord wanted me to say, my life took one of those drastic downward slides. We're talking huge rollercoasters here.
I'm saying all this to say, well, I guess I'm not sure what I'm trying to say. Somehow I feel like just saying it is enough right now. Last night I shared with Marc how I was feeling. He was gracious enough to give up some of his precious sleep to let me sleep. I actually slept 4 hours straight last night. Blissful. And, it appears that God knew I needed that. He saw what was coming today.
Zachary has this fear of airplanes right now. Not so much the airplane itself but the loud booming noises they make. Which, in itself isn't a huge problem, but we live close to a main road where there are lots of motorcycles & semis, as well as a train that passes by about 8 times a day. He has been freaking out at every little noise, barely sleeping. He was so cranky today and whiny. I thought it was just the fear thing happening again (because it was that, too), but it appears he has a stomach virus. (which of course doesn't show itself until 11 there any kid who actually gets sick in the middle of the day when you don't expect to sleep anyway?)
Sweet boy, he is resting well now. He asked me for a snack a few minutes after. I don't think so, kid. :) I've been spending a few minutes catching up on my computer time, waiting for Kenna to wake up & nurse. Of course, this will probably be "the night" she sleeps more than 4 hours and I'm missing it! Sigh.
Oh, and if you don't read anything else I post in the next few days (and you're a mom of young children), READ THIS post (tips for making it through the day without going insane). It totally ministered to me today. (Thanks to Money Saving Mom for posting it originally).
Well, looks like she's up, so I'm gonna go. She made it a little over 4 hours...we're getting somewhere! I have a date with my bed this weekend, and we're going to spend 6 heavenly hours getting to know each other again. :)
Visit to the Mayfield Dairy
We got to see how they made those cool yellow milk jugs, bottled all the milk, lemonade, etc. and make & package the ice cream. I must say I was absolutely fascinated. They wouldn't allow us to take pictures otherwise I'd show you. You'll just have to take a tour for's free.
The funny thing I didn't expect was that they made everyone wear hairnets. Marc had to wear one on his head & one on his face, too. He wouldn't let me get a picture of that, though. They even made Kenna wear one, so I just had to take a picture. Not every day your baby wears a hairnet!
Family comes to visit
My mom giving Kenna her first bottle--she loved it (even though I was right there)!
Z enjoying his makeshift bed in our room while my family was visiting. He still asks to sleep there.
Some of the faces of Kenna she is talking to Marc.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Company Chicken
Company Chicken
6-8 boneless skinless chicken tenderloins
2 cans green beans, drained
4-5 medium potatoes (any kind), peeled & cubed
1 stick butter, melted
1 envelope Good Seasons Italian dressing mix
1 envelope Hidden Valley Ranch dressing mix
Use a big roasting pan (I use 13 x 9 pan but sometimes you have to squish it all in there. If you have a bigger one, use it.). Place chicken in the middle, arrange green beans & potatoes on either side of chicken. Pour melted butter over all. Shake both dressing mix packets over top of all. Don't mix or do any other extra work. :) Cover with foil and bake at 350 degrees for 2 hours.
You will want to make some kind of bread with this meal, because you've absolutely got to have something to soak up all this good butter sauce with. This is not a meal for those on a diet. I figure, I'm breastfeeding so I'm going to enjoy all these calories while I can!!
We made this a few nights ago when 5 of my family members came into town. I doubled it, made 2 13 x9 pans, and there was only a bit of potatoes left. It goes fast.
Monday, October 20, 2008
Not Me! Monday
So...this week, I absolutely did not:
- I did not put on a video in my bedroom at 9 am (shortly after waking, feeding Kenna, and eating breakfast), so that I could sleep in my bed while Kenna slept in hers. I did not make Zachary sit on the bed with me and watch a full-length Disney movie so that I could get some rest after being up most of the night.
- I did not make my son sit in wet underwear after a nap whining at his door because I needed a few more minutes of Mom time. I most certainly did not chastise him for not telling me he had wet underwear instead of making whining & crying noises. (but I really didn't know he had peed himself!)
- I have not completely ignored the horrible mess in my car, and have definitely not added to the trash that is piling up on the floors just because by the time I get all the kids & bags up to the house I'm too tired to deal with the garbage that has accumulated.
- I did not whine at all this week about not losing any more baby weight and have not complained about not fitting into my smaller sized jeans.
- Edit: By "smaller sized jeans" I mean the next size down from the huge ones I am wearing...not my pre-pregnancy jeans. Just want to clear that up. I am still in the same boat as every other woman 6 wks postpartum. :)
That's it for me. Check out Not Me! Mondays at My Charming Kids for more...
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Promised pictures
This picture, I have no answer for. I just saw this chair in the bathroom like this & had to take a picture. Any guesses? :)
Z wearing a Green Bay Packers Helmet. Shh...don't tell Daddy! We are really Steelers fans! (Thanks, Easton, for letting us borrow this for the picture!)
Really quickly...
Update to previous post: Z, my favorite 1stborn son, was "wailing it up"...I went in his room to hear him say "Mommy, my underwear are wet!" Well, he was more like half crying, half yelling it at me. Poor kid. I felt awful about letting him cry and even more awful that I joked about it on my blog. You all have done the same thing, right? Anyone?
We've had a busy weekend, running errands & mostly just having fun with each other. Pics to come, at least what few I have remembered to take this past week. Poor Kenna. Z has like 500 pictures of his first few months. I have some catching up to do.
And, I just want to comment for those of you who may be thinking "if she's always complaining about not getting stuff done, what on earth is she doing blogging all the time?" Come know you've thought that about me....own up to it.
Here's the deal. I realized today that it's not a super-compulsive blogging addiction that keeps me updating this thing. It's more that I have to have some outlet for my feelings. Journaling in a journal takes too long. I can type like 90-100 words a minute. So, there you go. I figure if there are actually people "out there" on the world wide web who for some odd reason want to follow this brief mention of our lives, great. And, if by some serendipitous moment (wow big word!), God graciously allows this blog to touch someone's life, well--that's just awesome.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Post nap-time thoughts
- I bought a baby monitor off craigslist--seller said the receiver needed a new battery. She didn't say that you had to special order said battery since it was a 1.2 volt rechargeable something or other that has a special plug in thing. She also didn't say that the receiver would not work with only the power cord, something about having to have the battery in there. I would have bought the same monitor from another person...Arggh. 7 days & counting til battery arrives in mail.
- I found $3 in the back pocket of my size ** jeans that I was trying to stretch myself into yesterday. Thankful for the surprise $3, not so thankful that jeans are still too small.
- All our meal-receiving days are over. It's now up to me to feed my family every day. 2 months ago that would not have bothered me; today it fills my little heart with a bit of anxiety. I am SUPER thankful for the meals that we were given over the last month!
- Favorite son #1 is crying to get out of his room now. Guess I should go see to him.
- Choosing to ignore favorite son #1 in order to finish this blog post.
- Most pressing order of business: find all dirty white clothes & wash them so my favorite hubby has something clean to wear to work tomorrow.
- Hope to spend some time outdoors today; haven't been outside in way. too. long. Z would agree. Without new baby monitor, can't take Z outside til K wakes up. Arggh.
- Favorite son really wailing it up right now. Gotta go. Maybe I'll post some pics soon.
Friday, October 10, 2008
Here I am...
We went to downtown Clinton tonight. Visited our friend Sarah's open house at her new studio for her business The Happy Envelope. Awesome, beautiful studio--and her stationery is just amazing! Check it out! (she didn't ask me to do this--I really think it's awesome) Especially for those holiday cards...
They also had a fall antique festival--so cute! Made me long for Edwards Apple Orchard back in Illinois. This is the first fall since 2002 that we have not gone to Edwards. :( It's amazing what a few hours of family fun will do to helping this married couple reconnect! We're hoping to visit a pumpkin patch not too far from here tomorrow.
Okay, so, today I had to take both kids for my first major grocery shopping trip (b/c we were forced to--no milk, no butter, no fruit, no veggies). I only shop once every 2 weeks so it's usually a pretty major trip. I used to chase the deals around town with Z--I knew that once Kenna was born, that would end. I did go to 2 stores today but I've been skipping CVS & Walgreens just cuz I don't have the energy. I can barely remember when I last fed my baby, let alone try to figure out how to make the most of my CVS extra care bucks!
Anyway, the trip was hysterical. We got through Kroger without any major difficulties. Got to Walmart, had to pick up a prescription which I had called in the refill for on Monday. It should have been ready already, but alas--not to be. Stupid Walmart pharmacy. I'm glad I will be done with these injections in a few weeks! So as I'm waiting for them to fill my script which should have already been done, Kenna starts screaming to eat. I discreetly slip on my nursing cover, start feeding her at the front of the line (which now numbers about 5). No sooner do I do this than Z says he has to go potty. And keeps saying it. Over. and. over. and. over. So we get our meds, rush to the back of the store to the family restroom where I can push the whole cart to get the real groceries. Challenging, because K's carseat is now in the front where Z used to sit. No room for Z in the buggy because we've got to put the groceries somewhere. We ended up with Z scrunched down in the back of the buggy, touching everything. Get almost through with shopping, Kenna starts crying. I pick her up & realize she has just pooped everywhere. Rush back to the family restroom again, this time with a buggy full of food. Family restroom is occupied. Change her diaper on the bench back at the old layaway section while 3 old ladies watch me. Z is crying the whole time to get out of the buggy. Finally get done shopping, rush home. Kids fall asleep in car; I pull in the driveway only to realize that I now have to lug all the groceries up the hill & into the house. Fine, except with my c-section I'm not supposed to lift anything heavier than 15 lbs. Ha!! No one tell my doctor, okay?
By the time I got home, I felt like I had competed in a triathalon. I couldn't believe the whole trip for both stores, plus unloading & carting groceries up the hill was only 2.5 hours--only a half hour longer than when Z & I would go to 4 stores. I'm super glad I won't have to do that again for another 2 weeks.
Little K is sleeping now so I'm headed that way myself. Night!
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
The heart of the matter
I've also been grieving (sorry can't think of a better word for it that that) my loss of a natural childbirth with both my kids. I'm sure that seems weird, too--in some ways it does to me since the goal is a healthy baby & mom and that was our end result with both kids. But I still feel like I've been cheated having to have 2 c-sections. It's just something I'm working through, I guess.
All this to say that I came across this post about Guarding our Hearts at Keeper of the Home that really ministered to me. It's helping me understand some things about myself a little more...and about what God wants to do in my life despite the trials I've gone through (or things I thought were trials but really weren't). Thought-provoking stuff.
4 weeks-I can't believe it!
But I didn't start this post to complain....some fun pictures! I haven't taken many pictures lately, shame on me! Now that my life is settling down somewhat I definitely need to take more.
Here's a pic from our weekend lightning fast trip to the Smokies. This was taken at Lookout Tower on the Foothills Parkway (near Townsend, TN). We were kind of hoping the leaves would be a bit more colorful, but at least we got one beautiful tree! It's really hard to see in this picture but there was one gorgeous red tree almost near the bottom of the picture. Break out the magnifying glass so you can see it... :)
So, Kenna sucks her thumb! Mom & I were discussing this the other day...I sucked my thumb for a really long time. (I mean, really long. Like maybe you would stop being my friends if you knew just how long.) Anyway, I sucked my left thumb just like she's doing here in this picture. Most ultrasounds that we got of her in the 3rd trimester showed her sucking on her fingers, so she's a pro at this by now--she's had lots of time to practice!
Some sweet poses on the couch late last night after her bath. Her hair is finally growing in good in the front--poor baby had mullet head for a long time!
I just love these newborn wide eyed stares...
Let's see, in absence of more pictures, what other fun stuff I can tell you about our new family of 4? Kenna makes the most hilarious faces. I really have to get some of them on film for posterity (or blackmailing!). She also sleeps & dreams with her eyes wide open. It is the freakiest thing ever. She can go from looking right at you & focusing on your face to dreaming with eyes open. The only way you can tell is that her eyes roll back in her head & she starts smiling like crazy. So bizarre!
Zachary is loving being a big brother. He is so concerned whenever she is crying, loves to give her kisses, and is obsessed with her pacifiers. The other day I caught him with both her pacis in between his toes. Gross.
Tomorrow (well in about 50 minutes), my wonderful husband has his 29th birthday. I personally can't believe that. He is getting his dream birthday present--a brand-new-not-even-released-until-Oct-14th Steelers 5-disc DVD set containing all 5 Steelers Super Bowl games. You should have seen his face when he realized they were going to release this DVD cute! Just like Zachary's... I told Z we were going to make Daddy a birthday card & bake him a birthday cake--Z thought it was his birthday and started bawling when I told him it was Daddy's b-day. Then he said, "after Daddy's b-day it will be my b-day, right?" It's so hard to help him understand the concept of "1 month away"... :) He was thinking it would be his b-day immediately after Daddy's, as in 5 minutes later!
All right, well, it's off to bed. Can't squander these precious moments of quiet!
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Anyway, the victory is that my daughter is sleeping in her own bed, not wrapped in a swaddle blanket or anything. I have had the last 30 minutes just to browse on the computer and I feel like a new woman! I think I had a serious case of the baby blues. Either that, or I really did need to eat those 16+ Peanut Butter Blossom cookies on Sunday night. You know, those p-butter-Hershey-kiss-heavenly-creations!! I believe that maybe it was the chocolate helping me... :)
I have some awesome news. Aldi grocery store is coming to my neck of the woods! Yes, it's true. They're building a brand-spanking-new Aldi & I am super excited! (laugh at me, but right now I just got the most serious case of dejavu & I'm suddenly afraid I've already blogged about this....forgive me if this is the 2nd (or 3rd) time you've heard my good news....)
Aldi is the missing ingredient to my budget shopping experience. Click on this link to check out what Aldi can do for you!
Wow, I suddenly feel like I'm filming a commercial for Aldi. :) According to, Aldi will be opening near me in February. Not a moment too soon...
Friday, October 3, 2008
Hurry before she wakes up...
This is the first time in a week my daughter is sleeping in her own bed for more than 5 minutes. We had such a great routine last weekend, not sure what happened except to say that she's only 3 weeks old.
The biggest lesson I am learning is to cut everyone some slack. Myself--well, I just had major abdominal surgery. I'm frustrated that I am physically still handicapped. I feel great in the mornings, afternoons & evenings not so much. Not to mention that I'm in that post-baby when-will-I-ever-wear-normal-sized-clothes-again-feeling-sorry-for-myself mode. I want to spend more time with the Lord and feel frustrated that almost every waking minute is spent with or for someone else. This is the first free time I've had in a long time (other than yesterday's shower--yes, I said "yesterday's" shower--like I said, life with a newborn, I'm cutting myself some slack!)
Hubby--he was such a big help at night when Z was born. This time around, not so much. Working 2 jobs will do that to even the most loving, caring, helpful husband. I mean, the man has to sleep sometime. Maybe someday we will get to see each other! :)
Zachary--I have to work hard to remind myself he is still only "almost" 3. I think he saved the "terrible" part of the 2's for when Kenna was born. We are learning how to speak nicely to each other--he practices using his "talking" voice instead of the whiny one, and I am learning to speak with kindness and love instead of absolute frustration & anger.
House--let's just say that if you come visit me, expect a mess. If it's clean, well, that's just a bonus.
The best part about this week for me was a conversation with a dear friend, who reminded me that I need to be depending on the Lord for my strength and not trying to do everything myself. I am not super-mom, super-woman, or super-anything. As a matter of fact, I am nothing without Him and His strength. This has made all the difference for me the last couple of days.
"Come unto me, all you who labor & are weary, & I will give you rest" (from the Bible, Matthew time to look it up so you get it paraphrased. You'll have to cut me some slack!)